About Ashley Sutphin

A journalism graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ashley is an experienced writer with covering HR, Talent Development, Learning and Development as well as other business verticals. With an eye towards easy to read content written in the language of millennials, Ashely provides a unique voice on TalentManagement360 by analyzing and covering issues of import to millennials and other younger workers in today’s workplace.

All posts by Ashley Sutphin

Comparing a Few of America’s ‘Worst Companies to Work For’

December 10, 2014   

Employer brand may seem like an abstract concept until you look at the catastrophic consequences some companies deal with when they’re dubbed one of America’s worst companies to work for. Get smart and learn about how companies are qualified as the worst to work for. 

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Strengthen Your Talent Management with These Inventive Apps

December 10, 2014   

Mobile apps are an amazing tool for both large and small business owners and leaders. A great app can help you manage your employees, ensure productivity is on point, and assist in managing the day-to-day tasks pivotal to running an enterprise. Don’s get left behind with technology and learn more. 

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Ditch the Workplace Drama: How to Curb Conflict Between Employees

December 10, 2014   

Does it really matter if your employees hate one another? In short, yes.

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Is ‘Facebook at Work’ Going to Change Workplace Social Media?

December 5, 2014   

Just when we thought Facebook couldn’t get any more pervasive in our lives they’ve announced the upcoming launch of ‘Facebook at Work’ that threatens to steal the limelight from LinkedIn. The Concept Think of it this way—you don’t want to be caught surfing Facebook and “liking” status updates at work, and your employees likely don’t […]

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Perk Up Your Workforce with Creative Office Design

December 5, 2014   

Your employees look like zombies caged in by monochromatic cubicles. Sound familiar? If you’re continuously searching for inventive ways to revive and reengage your employees you may need to only look at something as simple as the design of your workplace itself. Download the free whitepaper Retention Secrets: How To Retain Your Best Talent Think […]

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